2023 Rubin Law Flyer - Handout
Webinar on Legal and Financial Planning for families of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
June 26th 6:30-8pm Central Time
Register Here: https://uic.zoom.us/j/89102466299?pwd=YzdxM1BCMXVvMHNUa0N2bThVRS8xQT09
This webinar will share information on legal and financial planning for families of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. You will also learn about a virtual training intervention for families to plan for the future called the Virtual Future is Now.
Facilitator: Katie Arnold, PhD, University of Illinois Chicago’s Institute on Disability and Human Development
Speaker: Brian Rubin, JD, Rubin Law
Join Zoom Meeting: https://uic.zoom.us/j/89102466299?pwd=YzdxM1BCMXVvMHNUa0N2bThVRS8xQT09
Meeting ID: 891 0246 6299
Passcode: kAunni8x